We must start replenishing nature and resurrecting our Love for God. We should stop our constant buying and consuming if we are going to go sustainable. Our temporary home, our planet Earth, our Gaia. Our generations have begun to open their eyes and can see how disastreous our way of life is soon to be because of our disobedience to God and our abusiveness to Gaia. Only God can help us navigate our human lives and make good decisions. He gave us a set of rules years ago, The Ten Commandments. Those were for a good reason. If you believe in God,you will understand. In your own time.Through Christ I found the path to the mysteries of the Light. Who has risen and walks now and leads by God’s Light.

Attention Light bearers

This planet does not need us humans. We are dependant on earth and her resources. The rich, powerful, and corrupted men on earth have raped, pillared and plundered God’s Bride. Babylon is falling and will take years but it is falling. In place of the broken system let there be God’s rule and His Love and Light shine upon those souls whom have loved God and tended well to the Creations of God. Family of God we are at war and the war will only be won within you. It starts with you. 4444

Our Mother Gaia

This beautiful planet we call home, also know as Earth or Gaia, deserves so much more than what we have given her. We take from her all of her precious resources and most of us never give back. We take and take and take. Most of the population has to take in order to survive but there are also many who take more than they need and leave such a drastic imprint upon her, a carbon imprint. All of the consuming and buying has done so much damage and now we are seeing the effects. The atmosphere is changing. We all see the changes happening in our climate yet we are still complacent and spending money on those things we don’t need. Gaia gives us land to grow our food but governments, elites and high rollers make it more difficult for one to own land in order to live off of it. It all boils down to money, our monetary system. This world has been set up in a way that without money we could not survive unless we own our own land and live off it or unless we slave in mundane jobs for little pay. Most people cannot even afford food much less their own land and homes. Everyone must do what they can to give back to Gaia. Recycling plastics is one way we can give back to Gaia. When my family and I began recycling plastics, I was appalled at how much of everything we buy comes in plastic containers and packaging. I am disgusted by how much ends up in landfills. It seems hopeless when you look at the whole of things. I do believe we are past the point of return. God has always turned the Gaia around from the destruction of man upon her. Gaia doesn’t need humanity. We need her. The extreme heat is just the beginning of what is to come. However, God knows who truly destroys His creation and who truly cares. He knows who constantly takes and who gives back. God has given man a beautiful planet, all of the animals, and woman. Look what he has done to all three. How undeserving we are of all three! Gaia has a fever and humanity is the virus. A virus that will be wiped out with only a few to remain. The survivors are those who have loved God more than money and have put nothing above The Creator. They will be the ones who took care of God’s gifts to man. Were we created to take care of God’s creation? I believe so. We are in the beginning of the end of the world as we’ve known it. The collapse of capitalism is close. Seek God and never let God go. Then will you be given all that you need. Constant consumerism will end. The time is now.

Revelation 11:18

God’s Divine Earth

It is nice that the animals can come out and play while we, humans, are locked away.

We are the virus, we are the cure. We are the reason for all we endure.

Don’t point fingers, don’t blame God.

We all drank the wine of Magog. We all have desired the works of man, lusted after the inventions of our own hands.

We burn in our lungs for burning God’s trees.

We filled our cups with blood from the oil spills in the seas.

We traded the lives of animals and child to be temporarily pleased.

The slaughter, the rape, the global hate is being recripocated and not a moment too late.

The dollars and cents and all money spent, the killing and destruction of innocents,

This, dear humans, is what we have done

To that which we were supposed take care of.

But we forsook the Responsibility and Divine Reward.

They looked up to us, to keep them safe.

To sow and till and reap

The fruits of Faith.

Master, Maker, Creator Divine

Will be disappointed when It arrives,

To do inventory of the earth and all who reside.

Not one will escape none will get out alive.

All souls evil or devout

Must give report on the Masters House.

Wouldn’t you be angry as well?

You wouldn’t like it at all

To know your children

Have burned to ashes destroyed your Earthly Walls

And chose to destroy,

While ignoring their downfall.

The grass the trees the flowers

Will grow

Upon the earth and heaven

The Winds will blow

The Water will flow

The Mountains will move

The Valleys be raised

In due time, new man will be made.

For our destruction we reap open graves.

Cry to The Master! Creator of Earth! Stop this madness of putting money first!!

Swallow your pride and stop your fight! We are AS ANTS!! We need God’s LIGHT !! CRY CRY CRY AND DESTROY ALL YOUR pretty things!! It’s a slap in the face and an even worse disgrace,

To think we are immune

To the Reckoning We all Face.

But WAIT!! No no no

Don’t turn to God NOW

because you are afraid!!

That’s not True LOVE!!

Like our pretty things

And our money

We will decay

But the Spirit is forever

Be it shamed

Or be it Graced.

God is Truly Majestic.

(The blessed go first)

The wicked one will eat dirt.

No we aren’t perfect

And yet we have Grace

That comes from The Creator

Whom gave us this beautiful place.

New Earth, New Heaven

Await the Souls who Love God more than silver and gold.

Copyright © Jessica Angel

Tree Wisdom

Nature holds so much good for us living beings and especially trees. Without the trees of earth would be have enough oxygen? I think not. With all of the earths ecosystems being in danger and earth itself being abused and slaughtered for the sake of money, we won’t have a future. I think our existence and earths existence is truly remarkable and magical. It took aeons for all of earth and her inhabitants to form and evolve into what we see now. Yet we are destroying it faster than we know. Not for long.

With the rising of consciousness and the awakening of humans to the light and truth, we our changing our world and how we live. Change doesn’t happen overnight but it is happening and now we are moving towards Unity and Love. All beings united in love is the key to our continued and enlightened existence. There isn’t just hope, there is BELIEF. Faith is more powerful than we can see.

Paradise is returning slowly and I long for it with my whole being. In the meantime I have found that sitting in nature and silence opens doors of wisdom to stream into consciousness. I listen to the wind and it speaks. I listen to the trees and they speak. God is in everything good and pure because God is EVERYTHING GOOD.

We tend to get caught up in The machinery of society that we fall away from nature and our own Souls. The souls who turn back to God and the Good creation, caring for it and appreciating our beautiful planet are the very Souls who shall enter Paradise.

My heart absolutely breaks when I find that more trees are being cut down, oil spills in the waters , animals wrongfully mistreated and abused, and it is our own fault. But a few are remedying the situations and we have heard the call and answered it. So that our descendants have a habitable home.

Get out into nature. Sit under a tree or beside the ocean. Listen to the silence for it speaks of love and truth. Won’t you try it? Won’t you join us in bring Paradise back? It’s your home too. Only love, pure love unconditional will be allowed within the Gates. Let us cleanse our hearts and God’s Creation!2:44

Copyright © Jessica Angel